Tuesday, 25 February 2025



PRODUCTION-- the planning and filming of the movie

DISTRIBUTION-- publishing the film

MARKETING-- the promotion of the film

EXHIBITION-- showing the film to people


UK distributor-- EON
US distributor-- MGM
worldwide-- UNIVERSAL
CONGLOMERATE-- big film companies

NTTD promotion method

-sponsorship ads
-celebrity appearances
-superbowl ad
-casting announcements

NTTD age rating in cinema-- 12A
digital rating-- 12


-media products allow people to find role models and other people with similar values
-use of media to reinforce personal values by coming closer to similar and desired people

examples-- TV shows and films (e.g. Criminal Minds and Fight Club)

-use of media can be learned through different forms of media
-media allows people to gain insight on other peoples lives
-the media keeps the audience informed with current events
-people can acquire information, knowledge and understanding through media products

example-- most social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram and TikTok)

-use of media to escape the humdrum of boring life
-access media forms to forget about worries and troubles for a while
-to give a sense of happiness and release from the daily grind

example-- Video Games (Resident Evil and Until Dawn)

-the ability of media product to produce a topic of conversation between other people
-media products allows the audience to break down barriers of time and distance to communicate with people

example-- messaging apps (Snap and Messages)


-launched in 1931



franchise– a series of films based on an original idea or adapted from a book

terminology– a group of specialized words and respective meanings in a particular field, and also the study of such terms and their use

distributor– a company that markets and organizes the distribution of a film

Hollywood major– a large film production company that dominates Hollywood

teaser– A fragment or montage of a film or of a television or radio programme intended to entice audience members to want to watch or listen to the subsequent production.

montage– a piece of work produced by combining smaller parts, or the process of making such a work:

ensemble cast– a group of people or things that make up a complete unit. a group of characters that have more or less equal roles in a production: not always a main protagonist

tentpole film– one that is expected to make a lot of money, and also to help persuade people to spend money on products connected with it

high-concept– is a type of artistic work that can be easily pitched with a simple idea.

enigma– this code refers to mystery within a text a question that encourages an audience to watch/read on to find  the answer to.

MANTRA–a statement or slogan repeated frequently


circulation- the number of newspaper/magazine copies distributed on average in a day

advertising- the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services

cover price- price of a newspaper or magazine

subscription model- a fee customers pay on a regular basis to get access to your product

multi-platform- capable of running on two or more different hardware platforms (print or digital)

readership- the number or type of people who read it

ideology- a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual 

brand identity- the visible elements of a brand such as colour, design or logo the identity and distinguish the brand in consumers minds

target audience- a group of people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service


-media products allow the audience to find role models and other people with similar values

-use of media to reinforce personal values by coming closer to similar and desired people/products

EXAMPLE- movies or TV shows (e.g. Brooklyn 99, 500 Days Of Summer, Fight Club)


-any information can be learned through different forms of media

-media allows people to gain insight on other peoples lives

-the media keeps the audience informed with current events

-people can acquire information, knowledge and understand through media products 

EXAMPLE- most social media platforms and the news (e.g. TikTok, Instagram, Twitter)


-use of media to escape the humdrum of boring everyday life

-access media forms to forget about worries and troubles for a while (escapism)

-to give a sense of happiness and release from the daily grind (school, work and obligations)

EXAMPLES- video games (e.g. Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Until Dawn)


-the ability of media product to produce a topic of conversation between other people

-media products allows the audience to break down barriers of time/distance to communicate with others

EXAMPLE- messaging apps (e.g. Snapchat, Messages, Instagram)

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  MEDIA-- FILM PRODUCTION-- the planning and filming of the movie DISTRIBUTION-- publishing the film MARKETING-- the promotion of the film E...