Film posters
L/O- To analyse the film poster set texts efficiently
- inteligent
franchise– a series of films based on an original idea or adapted from a book
terminology– a group of specialised words and respective meanings in a particular field, and also the study of such terms and their use
distributor– a company that markets and organises the distribution of a film
Hollywood major– a large film production company that dominates Hollywood
teaser– A fragment or montage of a film or of a television or radio programme intended to entice audience members to want to watch or listen to the subsequent production.
montage– a piece of work produced by combining smaller parts, or the process of making such a work:
ensemble cast– a group of people or things that make up a complete unit. a group of characters that have more or less equal roles in a production: not always a main protagonist
tentpole film– one that is expected to make a lot of money, and also to help persuade people to spend money on products connected with it
high-concept– is a type of artistic work that can be easily pitched with a simple idea.
enigma– this code refers to mystery within a text a question that encourages an audience to watch/read on to find the answer to.
stereotypes- James Bond shows/is represented in a masculine way in the poster. the fact he's the frame for the other characters shows his dominance
representation of gender– there is good range of gender in the poster, including a female agent/007 (Nomi)
representation of ethnicity– theres a range of different ethnicity, including a black female 007, Nomi, and Paloma being Cuban but still predominately white
representation of age– in no time to die he's retired in the beginning of the movie opposed to some
representation of sexuality– theres isn't or there's very little representation of sexuality, apart from James Bonds love interest Madeleine Swann.
Film Posters
L/O- to analyse a historical film poster effectively
-younger, attractive actors for Bond
-Bond girls + the objectification of women/'damsels in distress'
-Bond wearing more formal clothes/suits + tuxes
-ethnic stereotypes and hetrosexual relationships
Rodger Moore– his second time playing Bond was in 1974, the man with the golden gun
the film had a $7 million budget and grossed over $97 million at the world wide box office
to reflect the martial arts genre's popularity, the film was filmed predominately in Asia (Hong Kong, Thailand and Macau)
prior to the 90's, illustrations were much more commonly used on filmed posters due to the limited technology
the film was set in the middle of the 1973 energy crisis.
1) its used to provide hints or context to what the movie is about. it also shows main characters, locations
2) the connotations of the main image is that he's the more dominant presence in the movie, the fact he's holding a gun shows that the genre of the movie is more action and violence oriented. his facial expression and costume shows he's more serious, confident, formal and wealthy
3) that they're the main villain that is after Bond in the movie. the gun also looks as if it's going to be aimed directly at Bond and the bullet thats next to the gun has '007' on it, showing he's Bonds enemy no one else's
4) the text that says 'Ian Fleming's–The Man With The Golden Gun' appeals to the people who's a fan of the book that it's based off or his books in general and 'Rodger Moore as James Bond' appeals to the fans of Rodger Moore
5) who is the man with the gun?
- why is the gun being pointed at Bond?
-why is the gun golden?
-why is there an explosion?
6) the hero (Bond/007), the princess (Bond girls), the villain (the man with the golden gun)
7) guns, explosives, the different locations, kung fu
exam style question
[c] layout and design
IN the Man With The Golden Gun, the main image of Bond is in the centre of the poster, showing he's the main character of the movie. They've done this to make it seem like Bond is the more dominant presence in this movie, making it known he is the protagonist of this movie.
In the poster, the connotations of the man with the golden gun is being shown as Bonds villain for this movie, shown by his holding the gun and the bullet having the
In the 'No Time To Die' poster, images are used in many different ways. For example, the montage shows locations and main characters, the image of James Bond is the more dominant image in the montage–showing he's the main character/the most dominant presence in the movie.
Film Posters
L/O- To analyse a historical film poster
1) BLACK SUIT– formal, professional, classic
2) THE COLOUR GOLD– wealthy, luxuries, expensive
3) A POWER PLANT– radioactivity, energy, Chernobyl
at the start of the 20th century, they supported the dominant stereotypes of many different ethnic groups
while society was progressing towards racial equality by the 1970's, some of these stereotypes were still in evidence in mainstream
in addition, it is interesting to consider this poster in the context of the move towards gender equality
there is stereotypical representations of spies/agents being cold, stoic and being removed from regular life. also it looks as if the man with the golden gun isn't particularly white, therefore supporting the stereotypes of the time.
representations of gender
the representations of gender are very typical for this time. the fact that the women are being objectified and being dressed in revealing clothes are supporting the male gaze theory– due to action movie being viewed as more male oriented. the representations of men are also quite typical for this time since Bond is being view as dominant and the 'hero' or the 'saviour' for all these bond girls in the movie.
representations of ethnicity
there isn't much ethnic representations in older movies like this, other than directors/producers having them be villains or the enemies– and that is the case for this movie. in this poster the man with the golden gun doesn't seem to look particularly white hence why these stereotypes were so popular at the time.
representations of issues and events
interestingly, one of the main themes of this movie was an actual world wide event– the 1973 global energy crisis.
Film Industry
L/O- To explore the process of film making
- production– the making of a movie
- distribution– the publishing of a movie
- marketing– things that promote the movie
- exhibition– showing the film to people
some big film companies (conglomerates) will complete all three processes for a film. this is know as vertical integration. it is a good for companies because it'll cut the costs they have to pay to distribute and exhibit the movie.
e.g. Warner Bros produces it, 2, Warner Bros distributes it and markets it using Time Warner companies (companies owned by Warner Bros), 3 Warner Village cinemas gets the rights and a longer time window to show it than other companies.
production includes the financing, management and creation of a film
pre-production– the writing/planning of the film, creating the budget, casting actors and hiring crew. also the creating sets/costumes, finding the locations. Creating a production schedule.
production– the filming of the movie
post-production– the editing and finalising of the film, turning the raw footage into the actual film
the executive producer, EP, over see everything everyone does (including the other producers)
producers are the people who make a contribution to the movie being made.
producers have to–
-secure funding by convincing investors that a film will be successful
-secure the rights to a screenplay
-manage crew, cast and directors
-manage locations, equipment and schedules
-manage any problems that may occur
because there is so much to d, most films have an executive producer.
1) Eon productions limited
2) they are part of conglomerate
3) a studio film with high production values
4) Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Eon productions
6) £250-301 million, although just for production its £224 million
7) Italy, Jamaica, Norway, London and the faroe islands
8) 10 months
Distribution and Marketing
L/O- to explore the process of film making
- PRODUCTION– the planning and filming of the movie
- DISTRIBUTION– publishing the film
- MARKETING– the promotions of the film
- EXHIBITION– showing the film to people
– distribution is the process of making copies of the film for cinema, VOD (video. on demand), DVD and SDV (streaming and digital video) release and marketing & promotion
– sometimes producers will show their films at festivals in order to persuade distribution companies to take on their films
– sometimes a conglomerate will delegate the distribution to a smaller company that they own. this is called vertical integration.
– distributors need to:
- work out and stick to budgets for both creating copies of the film and all the aspects of marketing
- consider release dates and theatrical windows (time the film is in the cinema) very carefully.
1) MGM= North American, Eon= British, Universal= World Wide
2) YES
4) 30th September 2021 (for cinemas in the UK)
- 20th December 2021 (DVD/ UK)
- 9th November 2021 (VOD/ US)
5) Easter then winter. the decision to delay was because of the pandemic
every institution, within every media industry, has one important task above all others (TO MAKE PROFIT!). the more money you make (revenue), the more you can invest in other movies.
a films success is largely judged upon how much money it make in the box office aka bums on seats in cinemas
bond is an established franchise which has backers (financiers) lining up to either advertise a product within the film via product placement
-celebrities are used to make the movie more popular so more people that enjoy that actor/actress' movies would go watch it (celebrity vehicles). marketing used to be made AFTER the movie was made but now its done BEFORE. the marketing budget is often a quarter-half of the film's budget.
posters, billboards, teaser videos, trailers, celebrity appearances, merchandise, sponsorships, social media, premieres
delays will effect the marketing of the film due to the holidays it was SUPPOSED to be released around but wasn't, the marketing might be revolved around the holiday near the time is was gonna be released but it being delayed will effect the whole marketing scheme. Also the fact the film has been delayed means you've got to keep the hype up for the movie until it's finally released meaning more teasers and promotional videos but if you don't there could be a loss of interest.
Marketing and Promotion
L/O- To explore the marketing methods in NTTD
-trailers, teaser videos, billboards, posters, Premieres
NO TIME TO DIE promotion methods–
-trailers (teasers + the real thing)
-sponsorship ads (e.g. the Nokia ad)
-celebrity appearances (e.g. Billie Eillish wrote a song for the movie)
-interviews (with main characters and new characters)
-superbowl ad
-casting announcements
-a premiere held at Londons Royal Albert Hall (28th of September 2021)
what brands are linked to NTTD–
-Nokia adverts
-Aston Martin cars
-Toyota SUVs
-Land Rover SUVs
-Triumph motorcycles
- Microsoft
-Tom Ford
exhibition and regulation
L/O- To explore exhibition and regulation in the film industry
- because they had to continue promoting the movie for a longer amount of time, causing them to spend more money, and the Nokia advert they had done as promotion of the movie became out of date. Also the products in the movie became out of date because newer technology had came out before the new release date so they had to re-edit.
-exhibition is the process of exhibiting the film across a range of different streaming/media platforms
-historically this used to only include cinema release, but as digital technology evolves so does the way in which we watch films
exhibition usually takes place in this order;
- 1) cinema release
- 2) DVD, VOD, PPV release simultaneously
- 3) free to air television release (available on standard TV channels for free to the viewer)
in the last few year there has been a change in the way audiences/ viewer consume film. the rise of Netflix, Amazon Prime and other streaming sites has made the film more easily accessible to viewers. they can stream digital copies straight to their TV, laptops, tablets and phones. this is known as streaming and digital video (SDV).
1) A month (31-day release)
2) $774.2 million worldwide
3) no, DVD was released on the 20th of December and VOD was the 9th of November
4) in the UK, it was free to air on new years day 2023
5) PPV, Apple TV, Amazon Prime and YouTube
6) it was very successful.
-film and video in the UK are amongst the most tightly regulated in the western world.
- age restrictions are placed on all commercially released films by the BBFC and some are even expected to make cuts or alter the film in some way.
when classifying films the BBFC consider;
-tone and impact
-depiction of discrimination
-depiction of drug use
- depiction of sex and nudity
-use of language
-depiction of threat and violence
1) 12 due to moderate violence and infrequent strong language
2) it allows more people to watch it if its a lower age classification
3) 12
Audience Appeal
L/O- To explore the uses & gratifications of films
- The difference between 12A and 12 is that with 12A an adult must go with them if they're under 12 + cinematic releases and 12 is most likely a home release age rating.
why do we use media?
-to contact people
-for entertainment (games, movies, etc.)
-for creativity
uses and gratifications theory
U&G is a theory from two men called Blumer and Katz the audiences take an active role in using the media
the theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of four reasons
-Personal identity
-Social interaction
-media products allow the audience to find role models and other people with similar values
-use of media to reinforce personal values by coming closer to similar and desired people/products
EXAMPLE- movies or TV shows (e.g. Brooklyn 99, 500 Days Of Summer, Fight Club)
-any information can be learned through different forms of media
-media allows people to gain insight on other peoples lives
-the media keeps the audience informed with current events
-people can acquire information, knowledge and understand through media products
EXAMPLE- most social media platforms and the news (e.g. TikTok, Instagram, Twitter)
-use of media to escape the humdrum of boring everyday life
-access media forms to forget about worries and troubles for a while (escapism)
-to give a sense of happiness and release from the daily grind (school, work and obligations)
EXAMPLES- video games (e.g. Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Until Dawn)
-the ability of media product to produce a topic of conversation between other people
-media products allows the audience to break down barriers of time/distance to communicate with others
EXAMPLE- messaging apps (e.g. Snapchat, Messages, Instagram)
People use gaming for entertainment, for example after school or work they can come home and relax by playing a video game they like. With games like, Red Dead Redemption or Call Of duty people can ALSO have social interactions with other people from anywhere around the world because they're multiplayer games. But if the user doesn't exactly want to play with other people they can play games like Resident Evil or Detroit: Become Human, which are single player games they can use to relax or have fun with. Entertainment can also be linked with the genre of game that the user is playing, for example Red Dead is a more free roaming game making it more of a chill game.
1) the audience will be entertained due to the genre of film it is, since its an action film it'll keep them on their toes and will potentially make them want to watch the other movies providing even more entertainment
2)the audience might find other people that share the same interest in the Bond movies and make new friends because of it
3)people might relate to different characters– for example they might share personal views or they might identify with the character in general
film industry roundup
L/O- To consolidate our knowledge of the film industry and to apply it to exam style questions
-Info about characters and plot
Exam structure: C1, section B
there will be two questions
QUESTION 3- a stepped question that will focus on one of the four media industries we will look at. (film, radio, newspapers & video games)
QUESTION 4- a stepped question that will be on audiences in relation to one of the for industries.
there will be no unseen sources. you will need to use the case studies as examples.
work to 1 mark = 1minute.
3a) name one of the companies that produced NTTD. [1]
3b) briefly explain what a media conglomerate means. [2]
3c) briefly explain what convergence is. [2]
3d) explain how films use technologies to reach audiences and promote the film. refer to NTTD to support your points. [12]
4a) identify two ways in which media producers categorise audiences. [2]
4b) briefly explain how NTTD targets audiences. [4]
4c) explain why users visit the NTTD/007 website. refer to the Uses & Gratifications theory in your answer. [12]
1) 2
2) the marks on each of the questions (1 mark a minute)
3) question 3 - industries & question 4 - audience
3d) Film industries use many different ways. One of the reasons is through starring popular actors and/or actresses in their movies. The celebrities can promote the movie through their own social media accounts, For example Billie Eillish wrote a song for the movie and promoted it through her platform making the film reach a larger audience.
Another example is through the websites and promoting sites themselves. Through the NTTD websites they are able to put teasers and trailer for the movies, along with posters and behind the scenes leaks therefore building up the excitement and anticipation for the new and upcoming movie. With those types of sites it also allows the audience themselves to share the videos around, building up an even wider audience for the movie.
4c) People may use the NTTD/007 website for a variety of different reasons. For example, they may use the website to gain information about the many movies the franchise has and/or the filming and production behind them. Many people like to read and look into the many different factors of the things they enjoy, therefore with these different types of websites those types of people can access that information (e.g. what cars were used etc.).
Also the website could be used for social interaction. Fans can access the movies social media accounts through the website, being able find other fans of the franchise and most likely gain new friends or acquaintances through the website by sharing a similar interests.
Another use of the website could purely for entertainment reasons. The 007 website has the entire list of Bond movies so for people who have just began watching the array of movies and are wanting to see if they've missed any of the older movie they can check that through the website. Also, people who are fans of the franchise can just sit and enjoy watching trailers or behind the scenes videos as a new realm of content for them to visit.
Missed Homework (for 28/01/2025)
Eon productions
a conglomerate is a large company composed of many different companies
merging of traditional media with digital technologies
films use many ways to promote the film and reach audiences. for example, by using websites to allow the film to gather a larger target audience before its release. No Time To Die does this through their own website, by promoting behind the scenes clips, trailers and teaser clips. this is also done to create excitement for the upcoming film from older/long time fans of the James Bond movies.
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